Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I am taking a digital photography class right now and loving it! David also bought me a copy of Photoshop Elements and I have been having a lot of fun playing with some of my old pictures. So, here are some pictures I took in Thailand last summer.



IzeOfLight said...

WOW! These photos are absolutely fantastic--post more! =)

Sheri and Dan said...

I am way jealous that you are doing a photog class. You will have to give me a few pointers and teach me some next time we are in oregon.

Brett, Jaymie, McKaleigh, Colton, Alex said...

Those pics are beautiful! It looks like they could have come out of National Geographic...I would live to take a photography class - how fun!

Hansen said...

Cool! I did not know you went to Thailand. Did you go with BYU? One of Andrew's best friends leads the BYU summer trips down there.